Want to engage Restorative Services for your organisation?

We know your organisation is unique.

That’s why we work with you to ensure Restorative Services will meet your needs.


Why offer Restorative Services to your staff?


Workplace wellbeing has never been more important. Organisations have been scrambling to meet the demands of their staff with speak up services, whistleblower report lines, etc. Adversarial, investigative routes can damage relationships beyond repair - preventing people from using them. Anonymous reporting pathways prevent you from being able to act on the concerns. Restorative Services offers another way.


Early resolution options open the door to empowering staff to repair their relationships, resulting in happier, more productive employees. When staff are unhappy, they often simply leave, giving you little chance to repair the situation until it’s far too late.


You can’t fix something you don’t know is broken. Open, honest communication can be hard to come by in a workplace relationship. Restorative Services give you a way to address concerning issues like harrassment and bullying, as well as the small niggles of relational tension that eat away at the wellbeing of your staff.

How does it work?


  • We know that every community is unique. That’s why we spend time up front with your leaders and responders to learn what makes your organisation special.

  • We can also support the development of bespoke marketing materials to fit your organisation’s culture, language, and policies.


  • We provide monthly useage reports so you can keep track of how it’s being used.

  • Reports will highlight recurring themes to provide you with insights into the issues your workforce is facing. This will enable you to be more proactive in addressing those issues.


  • We offer Restorative Services through a baseline monthly subscription plus ‘packs’ of hours. If you get close to running out of your monthly hours, we’ll let you know and you can choose to purchase additional hours.

  • We do it this way in order to preserve the confidentiality of your staff, and so we can be sure your hours are reserved for you - no waiting, no weeks-long diary juggling.

  • The number of hours you’ll require will depend on the size of your organisation. Contact us to discuss your needs and receive a quote.